Spending Time With…Writer/Director Angel Constantinou ( @Angelconst )

Say hi to Angel Constantinou, a multi-talented artist born in Britain with Greek/Egyptian heritage, who has created a poignant short film based on some of her own real-life experiences, complemented by a compelling fictional storyline. Her short film Boy’ raises awareness about the challenges faced by this generation of children and young people growing up at a time of unprecedented turbulence. The film is in aid of the Young Minds charity – and will be available to stream on Apple TV from 19th July. Angel very kindly took some time out of her day to take part in the Spending Time With…series (a pre prepared set of questions)  Here is our conversation .


Was it tough/emotional making a film around such heavy subject matter? 

It was very emotional at every stage, from drafting the logline, to script, to making the music, and then shooting the film and bringing out the emotions of the actors. A lot of tears were shed, but it was needed at times. Having said that, the whole shoot was endlessly happy between tough scenes, as I had an amazing cast and crew and that shines on screen

Boy is the first film you have written and directed – what have been the biggest creative and practical challenges?

I would say that funding was a huge challenge, followed by finding a crew that could bring the script to life without arguing that it was ‘too complex’. One practical challenge was losing a specific location (a school), 3 days before we started shooting!!!


Although the story is dark & emotional, it’s a very beautiful film…

Thank you. I think the poetry and the music make it have an ethereal feel, a lightness to the darkness of the story.

Did you keep any ‘props or keepsakes from the film?

Yes! I have a prop box with items from the movie. My favourite is the chalice that the villainous stepfather drank from ha ha. Maybe I’ll auction some props off for charity….

What are your own favourite films to watch and why?

Once Upon A Time in America – because it’s the most beautiful gangster films you’ll watch with the most amazing score, The Others as I love a good supernatural story and pulp fiction because it was the first of its kind.

What inspires you?

Life inspires me the most. The most interesting stories are unfolding before our very eyes. Books wise, the list is endless, but I’d have to go with Shakespeare’s plays.
Have you ever gotten someone’s autograph? Which is the most memorable for you?

No. I was never one to bother celebrities when they had time off. However, I did manage to get work experience with Peter O Toole and Harvey Keitel when I was 14, and I was definitely fangirling in secret 😉

If you had to make a ‘bucket list’ of people you’d love to work with, tell me one name who would be on it?
Robert De Niro. My dream!

What are your future plans?
I’m writing the script for the feature film and pitching it to film markets this year. It’s a very unique story that I think people will resonate with. 

Thank you Angel for taking time out to take part in the online interview/conversation. Wishing you all the very best, not just with Boy but all your future projects too.

You can follow Angel on X (a.k.a Twitter) HERE 

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